Sunday, September 7, 2008

the bike shop

when we went to the raw food places the other day, this happened:
on the way back, nancyfoo was driving, her mom was sitting shotgun, and jessie and i were in the back seat.  up on the right is a store called 'womyn's ware'.  also on the sign it said 'vibes! lubes! dills!'.  so you get the idea.
nancy foo: i think that's a bike shop up there on the right
me: uhhh i don't think so.  look at the sign.
billy chen: it's a women's clothing store.  look: women's wares.
no one corrected her.  

also, today there was a redbull box car challenge.  jessie and foo and i watched from a different spot than the elderfoos.  there were like 50 different entries and the cars are super funny.  one was a pacman, another was a fire truck, a batmobile, a picnic table.  all kinds of things.  later we were driving home with the elderfoos and they were talking about the race.  billy chen said: the fish one.  that was cute.  and the golden shower? (there were two shower entries that raced against each other.  so they were showers on wheels.  and one had a gold curtain.  i don't think she got it.)  

i think the next few weeks are going to be really funny.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

kz, your blog has got me rollin' already...can't wait for more - and pictures! glad that you made it safely - we're missing you and foo here!!